Bictory Third Quarter Roadmap Overview

3 min readJul 22, 2021

Hello Bictorians,

Our core team is working round the clock to deliver the best products in the ecosystem. As usual, the commitment to ensure all targets for the third quarter of 2021 on the Bictory roadmap fulfilled to the letter is evident with our previous achievements.

These features will extend the Bictory frontiers to strengthen the project and take us to the next level. Our community is the most indispensable component in our entire ecosystem, and we consider it suitable to update you on what is happening.

Aggressive Marketing Campaign

We are focusing on exposing the innovative products and services on the Bictory platform to the Crypto community. In fact, the campaign is already underway, with several activities lined up.

We have participated in some thrilling and productive AMA with some Crypto communities, engaging them about our project and the stage we have reached with development. There will be more AMAs in the coming weeks.

Moreover, we are running a weekly Social Media Competition to expand our reach. If you haven’t participated, kindly do that to stand the chance of winning $USDT.

Alpha Launch Of CEX

This quarter will most likely also witness the launch of the Alpha version of the Centralized Exchange (CEX). So far, plans are far in advance for the launch since we have completed major parts of the backend development.

You can safely store and perform Spot trades over a comprehensive variety of Cryptocurrencies on the Bictory centralized exchange after full product launch. It provides versatile advanced order types, allowing full access to modern portfolio management tools while ensuring quicker trade at lower charges.

The exchange has solid security, proven scalability, and an innovative on-chain ID leveraged from the Concordium Blockchain. Kindly watch out for Bictory CEX, coming to you soon this 3rd quarter of 2021.

Alpha Launch of DEX And Crowdfunding

Another milestone we are looking forward to accomplishing this quarter is the alpha launch of both Bictory DEX and Crowdfunding. These two products/platforms are very critical to the Bictory platform.

Our decentralized trading protocol, that will be deployed on Concordium Blockchain, facilitates Liquidity Providers (LP), Traders, and Crypto enthusiasts to exchange value in a decentralized and permissionless manner . Bictory offers an exchange experience with non-custodial wallets where there is no need to surrender your private keys while interacting with the platform.

Meanwhile, our Crowdfunding platform is a pivot for all projects launching on the Concordium Blockchain. We are using this platform to solve the predicament of people in the industry who have good ideas but not enough funds to turn them into enterprises.

Concordium Grant Application

Concordium, the underlying Blockchain for Bictory, has a grant program to assist projects buidling dApps on it. It is a very considerate approach to help projects interested in employing the platform to bring out solutions for the world.

In this quarter, we intend to apply for the Concordium Grant which will be announced shortly by the Foundation. Acquiring this grant will enable us to fund our development and community building efforts and fulfill our goals.

We are pretty optimistic that the application will be successful. This conviction stems from our long-standing relationship with Concordium since its inception, combined with our determination to avail our platform for projects buidling on Concordium.

Join Bictory Community

Bictory is working hard to bring you one of the best DeFi protocols in the industry. Our mission is to bring you cross-chain and decentralized DeFi products and services on our platform that guarantee the transparency and security you can think of in this game.

Join us today, and be part of a growing community where incentives count. Stay safe in these troublesome times, folks!

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